Friday, May 8, 2009

...Being Grateful for Everything.

Its been kind of an eye opening week for me..
Monday,I recieved a phone call from my Branch Manager saying that our District Manager's wife passed away in her sleep and he found her when his alarm clock rang.. Gosh, when i heard that my stomach just started turning.Im truely grateful for my husband and what he does for our family..Words just cant explain. I really am truely grateful for what we have and the foundation that we have built our family on..I wish everyone could have what Kevin and I have.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blow At Blogging?!

Yes, Just terrible...
Its hard to find time to sit and rant and rave about whats going on in the Matzke home...First and for most..Both Kevin and I started new jobs. Sweet. Im still with good old US Bank but now im the Assistant Branch Manager (I discovered being a salary employee, kind of sucks..Not as cool as I thought.)Kevin got back into the white collar field and is doing Mortgage Sales. (I use to make fun of people who wore a blue tooth while talking on the phone and one day I come home and there is Kevin wearing one..Yikes.) Nice for me..I actually get to see him in the mornings and when i get home and interesting to say he started attempting to make dinners at night. I feel for our puppies though instead of going to Grandmas and Grandpas backyard they are stuck inside and wait until Kevin comes home to walk them..However, today I walked in the condo around noon and little Miss Shania slowly slides off the couch..Hmmm maybe i dont feel so bad.

Sorry, this couldnt be longer. I promise ill update more often!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Beginings

Welcome, to our little families blog! Im excited to keeping my family and friends posted on what is going on in the little Matzke's condo in Colorado.

Kevin and I got married on September 6th in the Mesa Temple. Enjoy some delightful photos of us in our sweet get-up.